• IAS Zine

    Exams are used to measure suitability of a candidate. All around the world, education systems are tailored that there are exams to be undertaken at a certain point while organizations use the strategy to get the best performers. In order to serve in the Indian government one is required to have...
    We have seen an obsession with partaking of the IAS exams in the county of late. One of the qualifying factors for this motivation is the existence of lucrative jobs offered in the public sector. People associate a job with the government with perks like elevated respect,security of the...
    In India, you need to partake in the IAS exam so that you can earn a civil servant spot which is very hard. Although it is a hard exam to take, you can still crack it if you apply the necessary effort. Once you are successful, you can now rest easy knowing that you have become a member of the...